MTHE to Develop Performance Contracts for HEIs

Posted By: Sahr Sewa ⇒  Posted Date: 6/5/2024

MTHE Organizes Workshop to Develop Performance Contracts for Tertiary Institutions in SL

4th June, 2024

The Ministry of Technical and Higher Education (MTHE) has held a workshop at Family Kingdom in Freetown, bringing together higher education stakeholders to develop performance contracts for tertiary institutions in Sierra Leone (SL).

The fundamental objective of these contracts is to instill a sense of accountability, excellence, and continuous improvement within the country's higher education institutions.
By providing a clear framework for defining expectations, responsibilities, and deliverables, MTHE aims to elevate the standard of education and bring about positive change in the sector.

Emmanuel J. Momoh ESQ., the Director of Higher Education at MTHE, opened the workshop with a warm welcome and expressed his sincere appreciation to all participants for their presence. He highlighted the importance of the meeting and emphasized the need for collective effort from all higher education institutions to make the performance contract a success. In his address, he also stressed the importance of four key elements when dealing with a contract: the authority, capacity, consideration, and terms and conditions. These elements, he said, must be carefully considered and aligned with institutional goals for the contract to be effective.

MTHE's Minister, Dr. Haja Ramatulai Wurie, emphasized the significance of the development of these performance contracts in enhancing the quality of higher education in Sierra Leone. She stated that these contracts will serve as a crucial step towards achieving the country's development goals and educational priorities; the contracts will outline specific performance indicators that align with the government's vision for the education sector.

She disclosed that MTHE had previously signed a performance contract with His Excellency President Bio, and that contract will serve as a guide in the development of performance contracts for the higher education institutions. This, according to her, demonstrates the government's commitment to improving the quality of higher education in Sierra Leone.

Dr. Wurie highlighted five key aspects that underscored the significance of developing and signing performance contracts. 

The first aspect is "accountability and transparency." According to Dr. Wurie, performance contracts will promote a culture of accountability and transparency in the operations of tertiary institutions. This will be achieved by setting clear and specific targets, which will be monitored and evaluated regularly.

Another crucial aspect is "quality assurance." The MTHE is committed to ensuring that tertiary institutions in Sierra Leone provide quality education that meets international standards.


Moreover, performance contracts will also promote "the alignment of tertiary education with national goals." 

Dr. Wurie also emphasized the need for "capacity building and support" Through performance contracts, the MTHE will identify areas where institutions require support and provide the necessary resources and training. This will not only improve the overall performance of these institutions but also ensure that they are equipped to meet the education needs of the country. 

  • Ministry of Technical and Higher Education, New England Ville, Freetown, Sierra Leone
  • + 232 (74)210044 / (99) 542298
  • + 232 (74)210044 / (99) 542298

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