Mohamed S. Kargbo
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Technical and Higher Education

The Permanent Secretary is responsible for providing advice to the Minister on policy matters and supervising the administrative activities os the Ministry for the achievement of objectives.

Key Duties of the Permanent Secretary include:

1. Provide leadership and guidance for determining policies and objectives within the Ministry and the implementation of those policies and objectives.

2. Manage the budget of the Ministry (Vote Controller) with a view to ensuring that all expenditure are documented and accounted for in accordance with the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations.

3.Manage assets to ensure that all applicable procedures are followed for acquisition allocation and disposal.

4. Supervise administrative and human resource functions to ensure compliance with the Public Service Commission (PSC) regulations, Circulars from the HRMO and other policies

  • Ministry of Technical and Higher Education, New England Ville, Freetown, Sierra Leone
  • + 232 (74)210044 / (99) 542298
  • + 232 (74)210044 / (99) 542298

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